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About Us

Our History

Inclusion Connection was organized in 2004 as a non-profit 501(c)3. The initial concept was developed by a Dynamics of Inclusion class at Waverly-Shell Rock High School. The Iowa Governor's Developmental and Disabilities' Council provided the initial financial support to launch the organization. 

In 2012, Inclusion Connection took over the Together We Play program, which originally focused on engaging children with and without disabilities. Today, this program has evolved into providing inclusion training and consultations for both non-profit and for-profit businesses. Inclusion Connection has expanded into a vital employment service, supporting adults of diverse abilities seeking inclusive work opportunities. Inclusion Connection provides educational opportunities throughout the community and organizes an annual Inclusion and Communication Conference in partnership with local businesses.

group of people learning

Our Philosophy

Every person, regardless of their ability, has the same need to be affirmed, valued, appreciated, and included. Everyone can contribute. Everyone belongs. Everyone deserves to be respected.

It is important for all of us to interact and support each other if we are going to have an accepting and inclusive world. We all benefit when, regardless of our ability or disability, we socialize, work, and participate in community life together.

Inclusion Connection wants to see everyone have a voice in matters that affect them and a choice regarding what they do with their life.

Our Mission

Promoting inclusive communities that live, learn, work, and play together.

Our Vision

We envision a world where every individual, regardless of ability, is valued, empowered, and has access to meaningful opportunities by:

  • Empowering meaningful careers that align with their unique skills and abilities, and earning wages that reflect their true value.
  • Supporting businesses in the development of a diverse and inclusive workforce.
  • Being a resource that provides advocacy support for inclusive communities.
  • Facilitating the basic human right of free speech through communication technology.
  • We work tirelessly to promote positive experiences for EVERYONE in our communities.
man working

Board of Directors

The Inclusion Connection is governed by an 11-member working board of community leaders who represent and support our mission and vision. The board consists of business leaders, educators, family members, and persons with disabilities. Through grants and private donations, the programs are able to sustain and expand inclusive opportunities for children and adults with disabilities throughout the Cedar Valley.

Common Questions

Who is eligible for Inclusion Connection Services?

Inclusion Connection provides services to a wide range of individuals and organizations. An example would be, individuals with disabilities seeking employment or businesses looking for inclusion, training, consultation, or help with workforce diversity. If you're unsure whether you qualify for our services, feel free to visit our services page or contact us for more information!

What is the cost of Inclusion Connection Services?

Inclusion Connection partners with the Division of Vocational Rehabilitation, Ticket to Work, Managed Care Organizations, and other options, to support working-age adults in developing career opportunities and on-the-job training. This comes as no cost to the individual served. 

What is Ticket to Work?

The purpose of the Ticket to Work program is support beneficiaries on SSI or SSDI who have an interest in returning to work at levels that will eventually allow them to be self-sufficient again. Inclusion Connection is an approved provider with American Dream Employment Network. We offer a number of services to assist them, like benefits and work incentives, because we know how important it is for them to understand exactly what will happen when they return to work, to their healthcare, and their cash benefits.